We are responsible for health and safety of our employees by providing them certified clothes and safety boots as well as personal protection equipment. All our employees participate in health and safety training, therefore we are sure that work done by them meets all safety standards. Except our employees, all these regulations apply to persons who are not our employees but are within area of the Company’s activity. All health and safety rules have been implemented in accordance with legal requirements and principles within health and safety.
Due to our actions, we also take care of all persons’ safety being in the area of the Group and avoid needless risk for a local community. To assure health and safety our Group applies a rule of zero tolerance to people being under influence of an alcohol or drugs at work and people consuming alcohol or drugs at workplace. An employee who comes to work under influence of an alcohol is a source of threat to himself and others and being aware of any persons being under influence of an alcohol or drugs we inform our supervisors about hazardous situation.