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Legal disclaimers

Polish Baltic Shipping (POLFERRIES) inform that all and any information contained in this website as well as websites hyperlinked to this website does not  constitute an offer as stipulated by relevant provisions of civil law and is provided for reference only. POLFERRIES is not responsible for the accuracy, relevance or completeness of information of services or information published in this website or websites hyperlinked to this website.

POLFERRIES is not responsible for any damage suffered as the result of using or following this information. Using this website is entirely on the user’s risk. Prior to undertaking any activity following information contained in this website please verify it by contacting your local POLFERRIES travel agency or an authorised travel agent.

All contents of this website are copyright to POLFERRIES. No part of this website may be reproduced for commercial purposes either in whole or in part, transmitted electronically or otherwise, modified, linked or used without the prior written consent of POLFERRIES.

By booking a ticket by using this website the buyer is deemed to have read the conditions of carriage in force and effect.

Polish Baltic Shipping Co. reserves the right to change the above terms and conditions as well as liability disclaimer at any time without notice.

Copyright 2004 Polish Baltic Shipping Co.

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